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Toronto EN staynu

Hochwertiges skai® Polstermaterial für viele Anwendungen, vor allem im Objektbereich. Seine klassische Lederprägung wertet Möbel und Wände auf. Dank innovativer Finishierung mit der skai® staynu Technologie ist das Material hoch fleckunempfindlich und sehr reinigungsfreundlich. So bleibt seine Optik über lange Zeit in Bestform – egal was passiert.

Downloads/staynu Video:

PDF Flyer mit Farbkarte 2022 

skai Desinfektionsmittelempfehlungen

Video mit Produktinformationen und Reinigungseigenschaften


Material composition:
approx. 84% PVC-compound
approx. 16% PES-knitted fabric
Weight: 740 +/- 50 g/m2
Thickness: 1.3 +/- 0.2 mm
Roll width: 140cm
Roll length: 30m

Cleaning and care of the material surface of skai® Toronto EN 
In order to maintain the material properties of skai® Toronto EN, regular cleaning of the material surface is required. For cleaning, please use skai® cleaning agent or a warm, mild soapy water and a microfiber cloth. Soiling
caused by color bleeding groceries or other substances must be removed immediately. In the case of persistent soiling, the material surface of your skai® Toronto EN product can also be cleaned with alcohol-based cleaners, such as isopropanol or ethanol. Residues of alcoholic cleaning agents or soap must then be removed with a damp cloth and lukewarm water. Regular cleaning of the skai® Toronto EN product is sufficient to maintain the product lifetime. Additional treatment e.g. with leather care products is not necessary. Please do not use chemical bleaches or abrasive cleaning agents.

Application / Processing
Suitable for many kinds of upholsteries and coverings in the upholstery industry. Especially suitable for the use in the modern residential and contract area, in public buildings and institutions. Problemfree processing in the usual procedures (sewing, tacking, sticking, nailing). Do not use colored adhesives or solvent adhesives!


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