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Außergewöhnlich attraktiv. Faszinierend funktional: die Polsterneuheit skai® Tovel EN

skai® Tovel EN überzeugt in attraktiven Naturtönen mit außergewöhnlich weicher Haptik und samtiger Anmutung überall, wo hohe Anforderungen an Polsteroberflächen
gestellt werden. Mit feiner Mikrostruktur und elegantem Wolkendruck bringt die abriebfeste und flammhemmend ausgerüstete Neuheit kompromisslosen
Komfort in moderne Interieurs.

Design Beispiel skai Tovel EN

Download collection flyer skai Tovel EN (PDF)

Material composition:
approx. 84% PVC-compound
approx. 16% PES-knitted fabric
Weight: 740 +/- 50 g/m2
Thickness: 1.3 +/- 0.2 mm
Roll width: 140cm
Roll length: 30m

Material properties:
tear resistant
abrasion resistant DIN EN ISO 5470-2: ≥ 150 000 Martindale invers flame protection DIN EN 1021-1+2, BS 5852 IS-0+1, MVSS302, IMO FTPC P8, CA TB 117-2013,
UFAC/NFPA260 Class 1, compliant with CAL AB 2998
easy to clean
soft and strechable

Application / Processing
Suitable for many kinds of upholsteries and coverings in the upholstery industry.
Especially suitable for the use in the modern residential and contract area, in public buildings and institutions. Problemfree processing in the usual procedures
(sewing, tacking, sticking, nailing). Do not use colored adhesives or solvent adhesives!

Other instructions
To maintain the material properties of your skai® product, it is necessary to regularly clean the material surface. Use a warm, mild soap solution and a microfiber cloth
or a soft hand brush for this purpose. Please do not use chemical bleach or abrasive cleaning agents. Please note that staining of the material through jeans or
other textiles is excluded from any warranty.

Special notes
Our spoken and written application engineering recommendations, which we pass on based on our experience and in accordance with the current state of the
art, are non-binding. They do not absolve buyers of their own responsibility to check the suitability of our products for the intended purpose. This applies in
particular to all components that are processed together with our product and their compatibility in combination with each other. Otherwise, our general terms
and conditions are in effect. All earlier provisions to the contrary hereby become invalid.

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